Når du handler hos physicalhealthmedia.com accepterer du følgende handelsbetingelser og privat politik. Du skal også være opmærksom på, at den danske lovgivning, herunder Købeloven træder i kraft, hvis der skulle opstå uenighed.
§1 Bestilling
Når din ordre er markeret som afsluttet modtager du en email med en faktura vedfæftet. Vi anbefaler at du gemmer denne email og faktura. Physical Health Media kan anullere din ordre til hver en tid grundet typografiske fejl, tekniske problemer, leverance fejl og lignende situationer.
Du kan kun bestille varer på physicalhealthmedia.com’s webshop men vi hjælper gerne hvis du har spørgsmål vedrørende bestilling og betaling via telefon og/eller email.
§2 Betaling
Det er kun muligt at betale med kreditkort på physicalhealthmedia.com hvis andet ikke er anført. Vi modtager Dankort via ePay og Paypal, Mastercard/Visa via Paypal.
Vi opkræver ingen ekstra gebyrer på physicalhealthmedia.com, hvilket betyder at du kun betaler for produkterne og fragt hvis anført.
Vi hæver kun det beløb du har accepteret i indkøbsvognen.
Vi hæver først beløbet fra dit Dankort når ordren er markeret som afsendt. Betaling med/via Paypal vil blive opkrævet med det samme.
§3 Priser
Alle priser på physicalhealthmedia.com er angivet i danske kroner (DKK) eksl. moms. Ved bestilling vil der beregnes 25% moms og fragt inden du afgiver ordren.
Hvis du er bosiddende udenfor EU skal du muligvis betale lokal fortoldning af varerne. Physical Health Media dækker ikke disse omkostninger og det er op til den enkelte at undersøge eventuelle toldtakster før køb af produkterne. Moms bliver ikke lagt til varer ved bestilling for kunder udenfor EU.
§4 Levering, leveringstider og restordre
Alle varer købt via physicalhealthmedia.com bliver sendt med Post Danmark. Vi bestræber os på at afsende din ordre indenfor 24 timer hvis ikke andet er angivet.
Hvis du køber et produkt i restordre accepterer du betingelser som produktet var på lager og du vil informeres via den oplyse email omkring leveringstid.
Alle bestillinger vil modtage et track & trace nummer så du kan følge din pakke. Er du bosiddende udenfor Danmark kan du bruge det unikke nummer på det givne lands lokale fragtfirmas hjemmeside.
Leveringstider kan variere afhængig af ordre størrelse og tidspunkt for bestilling f.eks. i weekender eller på helligdage.
Leveringstider i Danmark: 1-3 hverdage
Leveringstider indenfor Europa: 4-6 hverdage
Leveringstider udenfor Europa: 7-10 hverdage
§5 Fragt
På physicalhealthmedia.com vil fragtpriser altid være inkluderet i den viste pris ved bestilling. Ingen fragtpriser er tilføjet medmindre det er anført.
§6 Ophavsret
Alt indhold på physicalhealthmedia.com er beskyttet under ophavsretten.
Intet af dette indhold inklusiv billeder, tekst, design, logo, kode eller andet indhold må kopieres, formidles i den samme form eller på anden vis blive brugt af nogen medmindre Physical Health Media har givet skriftlig tilladelse til dette.
Brud på ophavsretten vil blive behandlet af af Physical Health Media’s juridiske repræsentant med henblik på at genvinde de forvoldte skader.
§7 Aftaleindgåelse
Ved ethvert køb der aflægges er det et krav at du accepterer disse handelsbetingelser inden du fortsætter. Det er anbefalet at du gennemlæser disse betingelser nøje og gør dig bekendt med de forpligtelser og rettigheder disse betingelser tillægger dig.
Ved brug af “back” knappen, har du altid mulighed for at annullere eller rette din ordre inden du accepterer købet.
Hvis du opdager fejl i din ordre efter du har gennemført købet bedes du kontakte os hurtigts muligt igennem vores kontaktformular.
§8 Når du afviser en vare
Kontakt os of gør opmærksom på at du har afvist varerne.
Hvis indpakningen er intakt, men varerne er beskadiget eller ødelagt efter udpakningen bedes du kontakte os via vores kontaktformular.
Uanset skade på varene bedes du kontakte os hurtigst muligt så vi kan klarlægge og afhjælpe problemet.
§9 Reklamationsret
Hos Physical Health Media modtager har du 2-års reklamationsret på alle produkter. Det betyder, at du enten kan få varen repareret, ombyttet, pengene tilbage eller afslag i prisen, afhængig af den konkrete situation.
Dette gælder medmindre, der står noget andet på varen i produktkataloget, hvorefter reklamationsretten kan være begrænset af varens naturlige holdbarhed.
Reklamationsretten betyder, at du kan klage over fejl og mangler, der opstår op til 24 måneder efter du har modtaget varen.
Der er ingen reklamationsret, hvis en defekt er forårsaget af køber.
Du skal reklamere indenfor rimelig tid efter du har konstateret defekten. Et krav inden for to måneder efter, at defekten er opdaget anses for rimeligt. Kontakt os venligst hvis du har en klage over et produkt og husk at oplyse dit ordrenummer og give en klar fejl / beskrivelse af problemet.
Når vi modtager din klage, vil vi sende dig en e-mail med et returneringsnummer nummer og den adresse, hvor du skal sende varen.
Hvis klagen er berettiget, vil vi refundere dine forsendelsesomkostninger pr standard afgifter med sporing.
Husk at varen altid skal sendes tilbage i beskyttende emballage og husk at bevare en kvittering for afsendelse, så vi kan tilbagebetale dine forsendelsesomkostninger.
Det er ikke muligt at levere varerne personligt til vores adresse.
Du kan anmode om, at vi udbedrer manglen eller levere en ny fejlfri vare, hvis betingelserne for ombytning er tilstede. Dette kræver, at klagen er berettiget, og at fjernelse eller udskiftning ikke medfører uforholdsmæssige omkostninger for os.
§10 Ansvarsbegrænsning
Physical Health Media forbeholder sig retten til at hæve priser, rette fejl i priser, force majeure, moms og skatterettelser, kursændringer, udsolgte/udgåede varer eller diverse fejl.
Physical Health Media påtager sig intet ansvar som resultat af kundes retsforhold overfor tredjepart.
§11 Fortrydelsesret
Som kunde har du ret til at trække din ordre tlbage. Dette betyder at du kan fortryde dit køb.
Hvis du vil fortryde dit køb skal du gøre dette indenfor 14 hverdage efter du har modtaget varerne.
Forud for returnering skal du sende en mail til [email protected] med dit ordrenummer og en beskrivelse af hvorfor din returnering finder sted. Physical Health Media skal bekræfte din email før du returnerer dine varer. I denne email vil der stå en leveringsadresse til returnering samt videre instruktioner, Du kan kun fortryde dit køb hvis varerne er i samme stand som de blev modtaget. Det er op til Physical Health Media at vurdere om varerne er i god stand.
Omkostninger forbundet med returnering af varer betales af kunden og det er kundens ansvar at sende varerne tilbage i sikker indpakning. Hvis der opstår nogen form for skade undervejs vil pakken betragtes som ødelagt og der vil ikke kunne modtages refusion af det returnerede.. Vi anbefaler derfor altid at sende med forsikring på pakken.
Vi forventer at varerne er i samme at varerne er i samme stand som de blev modtaget. Hvis de bliver vurderet til at være beskadiget taber du din fortrydelsesret og du vil blive informeret om dette via email.
Når vi har modtaget varerne vil du blive informeret om dette via email. Tilbagebetaling af beløbet kan tage op til 14 dage efter modtagelse.
Du kan til enhver tid anullere en ordre ved at afvise pakken når den bliver leveret.
§12 Kurser
Vi forbeholder os retten til, enhver tid, at at ændre lokation for kurset og/eller dato, hvis kursusafholder eller sted for afholdelse forhindres. Vi dækker ikke omkostninger forbundet med dette eller i forhold til hotelovernatning og afbestilling.
Du kan kun deltage på kurser hvis du er over 18år og du har som minimum en basis uddannelse anatomi af muskelskeletsystemet, organ anatomi og neurovaskulær anatomi.
Deltagere skal være opmærksom omkring de lovmæssige forhold i forbindelse med brug af de teknikker, der undervises i på Physical Health Medias kurser. Physical Health Media og dets repræsentanter tager intet ansvar for upassende / ulovlig anvendelse af teknikker udført af deltagerne.
§13 Privat politik og cookies.
Ingen information indtastet på Physical Health Media vil blive delt med en tredje part. Al information vil kun blive håndteret af betroede medarbejder ved Physical Health Media. Alle betalinger bliver håndteret af Paypal og ePay, og kan på intet tidspunkt se dine kortoplysninger. på baggrund af dette er det ligeledes ikke muligt at tilbyde support på problemer med betaling. I disse tilfælde må vi henvise dig til at kontakte din bank.
Physical Health Media bruger cookies i vores webshop, hvilket betyder at systemet automatisk husker f.eks. hvilke varer der er placeret i kurven medmindre vinduet er udløbet. Dette betyder at varer placeret i kurven muligvis vil være der når du returnerer på et senere tidspunkt.
Når du køber varer via vores webshop, behøver vi dit navn, adresse, email og tlf nummer. Disse informationer bliver brugt til at fuldføre din ordre. Disse informationer bliver lagret i vores webshop i et ikke krypteret format. Vi registrerer desuden din IP adresse fra hvor ordren bliver placeret. Disse informationer bliver ikke brugt i den daglige håndtering af vores ordre og vil kun blive hentet i tilfælde af svigagtige ordrer og andre kriminelle handlinger.
§14 Advarsel & Ansvarsfraskrielse – Dry needling
Dry needling er en invasiv terapiform der kan medfører sundhedsrisici. Vær opmærksom på at produktet der blliver brugt følger de juridiske retningslinjer for den bosatte region.
Generel ansvarsfraskrivelse
På intet stidspunkt kan Physical Health Media eller det repræsentativer være ansvarlig for nogen form for direkte, indirekte, straffende, utilsigtet eller følgeskader på nogen måde opstået eller forbundet med brug eller misbrug af vores produkter.
Terms & conditions
Terms & conditions
When buying at physicalhealthmedia.com you accept the following terms and conditions and private policies. You should also be aware that the Danish law, including the Sale of Goods Act applies, if a dispute should arise.
§1 Ordering
When the order is marked as complete you’ll receive an invoice attached to the email. We recommend you save the email and invoice.
Physical Health Media can cancel your order at any time due to typographical errors, technical problems, delivery failures and similar situations.
You can only order products on physicalhealthmedia.com’s webshop, but we will gladly help you with questions regarding ordering and payment telephonically and/or by email.
§2 Payment
At physicalhealthmedia.com it is only possible to pay using a credit card if not otherwise stated. We accept Dankort via ePay and Paypal, Mastercard/Visa via Paypal
At physicalhealthmedia.com we charge no extra fees, which mean you only pay for the product and additional for shipping, if stated.
Your credit card information is sent using an encrypted secure connection (SSL) and only ePay and Paypal can see your information.
We only withdraw the amount you accept in your purchase basket.
The amount will be withdrawed when the order is marked as shippen when you pay with Dankort. Payment via Paypal is withdrawed instantly.
§3 Pricing
All prices at physicalhealthmedia.com are stated in Danish kroner (DKK) excluding VAT. During checkout the calculation of 25% VAT and shipping will be stated before finishing your order.
If you are outside the European union, you may be required to pay a local toll. Physical Health Media does not cover these expenses, it is up to the individual to investigate the toll charges before purchasing a product. VAT is not added to the cart during checkout for customers outside the European union.
§4 Delivery, delivery times & back orders
All items purchased on physicalhealthmedia.com are shipped via Post Danmark. We strive to ship your product within 24 hours. This applies unless otherwise stated.
If you purchase on back orders you accept the purchase of the products and you’ll get notified by the email address given on the order on delivery times.
All purchases will be accompanied with a track & trace number. Customers outside Denmark may use the unique track & trace number on the given local delivery company page.
Delivery times can vary depending on order size and time of placement e.g. on weekends.
Delivery within Denmark varies from 1-3 working days.
Delivery within Europe varies from 4-6 working days
Delivery outside Europe varies from 7-10 working days
§5 Shipment
At physicalhealthmedia.com the price for shipment is always included in the listed price during checkout. No shipping costs are added unless clearly stipulated.
§6 Copyright
All content on physicalhealthmedia.com is protected under copyright laws.
None of this material including images, text, design, logos, code or other content may be copied, conveyed in the same form or another, or otherwise be used by anyone unless Physical Health Media has given a written consent.
Copyright infringement will be transferred without notice to Physical Health Media’s legal representative in order to recover any form of damages incurred
§7 Conclusion of the agreement
With every purchase you need to accept terms and conditions before continuing. You are advised to read the terms carefully and familiarize yourself with the obligations and rights that the conditions give you.
By using the “Back” button, you always have the opportunity to cancel or correct any errors before you accept your purchase.
If you notice an error after your purchase has been completed please contact us as soon as possible through our contact form.
§8 When you reject an item
Contact us and notify that you have rejected the goods.
If the packaging is intact, but you find the item damaged or broken after unpacking, please report it to via our contact form.
For evidence purposes, please contact us by e-mail upon receipt of damaged goods
Regardless of the type of damage, please contact us as soon as possible so we can help you solve the problem.
§9 Warranty
At Physical Health Media you receive a 2-year warranty on all products. This means that you either get it repaired or replaced, refund or reduction in price, depending on the specific situation.
This applies unless there is something else on the product in the product catalog, then the warranty may be limited by the product’s natural life.
The warranty means that you can complain about defects that arise up to 24 months after you received the goods.
There is no warranty if the defect is caused by the buyer.
You must claim within a reasonable time after you have found the defect. A claim within two months after the defect is discovered is considered reasonable. Pleasecontact us with your complaint. Remember to state your order number and provide a clear error/problem description.
Once we receive your complaint, we will send you an email with your return order number and the address where you should send the item.
If the complaint is justified we will refund your shipping costs as per standard charges with tracking.
Remember that the product must always be returned in protective packaging remember to retain a receipt for shipment so that we can reimburse your shipping costs.
It is not possible to deliver the goods in person to our address.
You may request that we remedy the defect or deliver a new defect-free product if the conditions for exchange are present. This requires that the complaint is justified and that removal or replacement does not entail disproportionate costs to us.
§10 Limitation of Liability
Physical Health Media reserves the right to increase prices, correct pricing errors, force majeure , VAT and tax changes, currency changes, sold out / obsolete items and miscellaneous errors.
Physical Health Media assumes no liability as a result of the customer’s legal relations with third parties.
§11 Returns
As a consumer you have the right to withdraw your order. This means that you may regret your purchase.
If you want to exercise your right, this must be done within 14 working days after you receive the goods.
Prior to your return, please send an email to us at [email protected] with your order number and desciption of why the return is finding place. Physical Health Media must confirm your this email before you return your item. In the email is stated the shipping adress of the returned item and further instructions. You can exercise your right of return if the goods are returned in the same condition that you received it. It is up to Physical Health Media to evaluate if the goods is in good condition.
The cost of return is payed by the customer and the customer is responsible for save packaging of the product(s). If any damage happen during the shipping, the package is considered damaged and do not oblige for a refund of the returned items. We therefore recommend shipping with insurance.
We expect the items to be in the same condition as you receive it. If the item is evaluated as damaged, then you forfeit your right and get notified on email.
When we receive the item you’ll get notified by email. Return of the money to your bank account may take up to 14 days after receival.
You can also cancel an order by refusing to accept the package when delivered.
When you place an order you are obliged to pay the amount specified on the invoice. Once your payment is received you’ll be registered for the seminar. An invoice will be sent to you via email when we’ve received payment.
We do not give refunds once you’re registered the seminar. If you can’t attend, you are welcome to find a replacement for your spot, but you are obliged to inform us at: [email protected].
You will receive a diploma at the end of the seminar stating your attendance.
§12 Seminars
We reserve the right to change the seminar location and/or date in the event that the course facilitator/facilities cannot attend/succeed. We do not cover any expences regarding to hotel accommodation and cancellation.
You can only attend the seminar if you are 18 or older and have undergone a basic education of musculoskeletal, organ and neurovascular anatomy.
Participants must be aware of the legalities regarding the use of techniques taught on Physical Health Media seminars. Physical Health Media and its representatives take no responsibility for the inappropriate/illegal use of techniques by participants.
§13 Privacy Policy & Cookies
No information entered to Physical Health Media will be shared with third parties. All information will only be handled by entrusted employees at Physical Health Media. All payments are handled through Paypal & ePay, and we are, at any given time, unable to see your credit card information. As a result of this, we are unable to provide support if experiencing problems with the payment. In these cases, we must refer you to contact your bank.
Physical Health Media uses cookies on our webshop which means, that the system automatically remembers for example, which items is placed in the basket, unless the purchase window for the item(s) has expired. This means, that the items placed in the basket, will still be there when you return a later point in time.
When purchasing items from our web shop, we ask for your name, address, e-mail address and phone number. We only use this information for processing your order. This information is stored in our web shop system in an unencrypted form. Furthermore, we register the IP address from where the order is made. These pieces of information are not used in the daily management of orders and will only be retrieved in the case of fraudulent orders and other criminal actions.
§14 Warning & Disclaimer – Dry needling
Dry needling is an invasive therapy that carries health risks. Please ensure that this product is used with the legal guidelines of the region you reside in.
General disclaimer
In no event shall Physical Health Media or its representatives be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental or special consequential damages whatsoever, arising out of or connected with the use or misuse of our products.