Who we are

Physical Health Media (PHM) is a company that specializes within Dry Needling and Instrument Assisted Soft-Tissue Mobilization. PHM has special designed dry needling products to optimize the dry needling experience for both therapist and client. PHM is also behind and sole distributor of the unique IASM treatment tool (the ttool). Furthermore, PHM provides unique seminars in Dry Needling & IASM numerous times each year.

” Innovation in dry needling”

Team Members

Corrie Myburgh
Corrie MyburghCEO
Corrie Myburgh is the CFO of Physical Health Media and works as a scientist and associate professor at the University of Southern Denmark. His main area of research is within qualitative studies and myofascial pain. He is an experienced lecturer and has taught many health care professionals in dry needling and myofascial techniques. Corrie is also the mastermind behind the ttool.
Kim Corfixen
Kim CorfixenCEO
Kim Corfixen is the CEO of Physical Health Media and a fulltime chiropractor.
Kim is the mastermind behind “Dry Needling 101 – A Clinician’s Handbook” and the “Dry Needling 101″ app for iPhone & iPad. Furthermore, he is co-instructor at the dry needling seminars.
Thomas Corfixen
Thomas CorfixenCFO
Thomas Corfixen works for the Danish ministry of foreign affairs and he is currently stationed at the embassy of Denmark in Moscow, where he is the CFO. Thomas has 20+ years of accounting experience. Thomas prepares accounting for Physical Health Media under Danish GAAP.
Irene Schøller
Irene SchøllerDirector in sales & marketing
Irene Schøller is the Sales- and Marketing Manager at Physical Health Media. She has great experience within the field and is responsible for Physical Health Media’s marketing activities, customer relations and the day-to-day running.